
Ari Lennox Explains Why She Fears Getting A Nose Job

Ari Lennox‘s self-professed insecurities have driven her to wanting a nose job at times, but the talented singer admits she probably won’t ever do it.

Talking to fans in an Instagram Live on Sunday (November 19), the Dreamville signee opened up about a few recent situations that led her to consider going under the knife – but she has just as many reasons why she’s trepidatious about it.


Recalling a Maury Povich tweet she saw that was poking fun at a man’s oversized nose, Lennox said that after voicing how “triggered and offended” she was by it, someone in the comments wrote: “It’s gonna be a great day when she really starts liking herself.”

“I was like, how she could tell I had doubts about myself through me being triggered by Maury saying what he said about this man?” Lennox said in her latest IG Live. “So I felt a way, like, bitch! Why do I have to… What’s that supposed to mean?”


She went on: “I was hanging out with someone and they mentioned like how sometimes when celebrities change their appearance, like how much their money changes and how opportunity changes and all of these things like that. And that same person was basically like, ‘Yo, the same thing would probably happen to you!’ I was just like, Jesus!

“So it’s just like a lot of things that have happened ever since I became a singer. ‘Cause there were people and things growing up, like ‘tunnel nose’ and all that shit, but becoming a singer that was signed, it just seems like all of my insecurities just became heightened.”


Lennox then explained why it’s unlikely she would ever get a nose job, putting it down to a few different reasons.

“I think I’m too scary to ever do anything like that out of fear that like I said, one – it will never look right with them touching it,” she began. “And then, I don’t know, not to judge other people… This is my situation but the idea of having a child one day and then my baby has my nose, and then if I changed it, now I’m looking at my baby who has my old nose and I’m just like, oh shit. How do I convince my baby that their nose is perfect? Or just knowing that if I were to raise my younger self, I would have given myself so much love. But why is it so hard to step outside of your fucking self and like, love yourself?”

You can view the full clip below:

Ari Lennox explains why she fears getting a nose job despite her insecurities


— HipHopDX (@HipHopDX) November 20, 2023

This isn’t the first time Ari Lennox has been vulnerable with her fans. In March, the D.C. native opened up about having self-confidence issues regarding love and relationships and said she felt “unattractive” by “wanting love so bad.”

“Have I made myself unattractive by wanting love so bad?” she wrote on Twitter/X. “By speaking about it? Complaining about it? I wish I didn’t crave it.”

Lennox continued: “I wish it didn’t make me blind, weak, and so dangerously trusting. I wish I had no love inside of me. Wish I didn’t have emotions. Wish I didn’t care.”


She’s also been open about her battle with sobriety, revealing last month that she’d officially been sober for seven months. In a post, Ari reflected on her past and highlighted the life-changing benefits of being teetotal.

“7 months sober. That’s a lot of sober flights. A lot of sober conversations. A lot of facing things raw and head on,” she began. “Honestly I don’t know what will happen when I reach a year sober. Don’t know if sobriety is forever or not but I can’t imagine going back to how things were.

“Passing out in the airport or having my emotions more heightened than needed smh shit was bad. I feel more in control of my emotions. More stable. More happy. More alert. More safe. More accepting of things I can’t control and more responsible with things I can.”

J. Cole Leaves Ari Lennox Speechless As He Surprises Her At London Show

J. Cole Leaves Ari Lennox Speechless As He Surprises Her At London Show

She continued: “I have less anxiety socially and when I’m ready to go, I go. I recognize my threshold with things and implement boundaries. I don’t find interest in partying anymore :/ maybe I’m changing and that’s deeper than alcohol. I like doing chill sweet things. I’m a chill bitch I realized.

“Accepting help and realizing I’m not the best traveler on my own has been a game changer. So now I have help and that helps. Having help is ok. I like waking up with no hangover or embarrassment. I like waking up with no night terrors and panic attacks from liquor.”


Various celebrities showed their support in the comments section, including SZA, her labelmate Bas and Chance The Rapper.


Delta Gatti

Update: 2024-06-10